Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Those were the words shouted to me from the 3 year old this morning. He told me he will never be called Nic again! "I am Dominic, a big boy. I go to school and I sleep in a big boy bed. I NOT Nic!"

Fine, I can try to call him Dominic, although, since finding out he was a boy during an ultrasound, I have called him Nic. Even Mr. Crafty, who was totally against calling him Nic, has, on occasion, called him Nic. I guess we will put a stop to that A.S.A.P. Although, after this little conversation (read that as him screaming at me, not talking, he is in a horrible mood), I asked him where "big boys" go to the potty. He happily tells me that big boys go potty in the bathroom. Absolutely! He's right. So, I ask, "Where do YOU go to the bathroom?" and he answers with "mostly in my pull ups"!

Obviously, I will not be winning this conversation.


  1. LOL!! To this day, I stop in my tracks if someone calls me "Case". He has his mind made up!

  2. But, if they buy you lunch, it's ok, right? Haaahaa!!

  3. so funny he has an answer for everything! lol

  4. LOL, I figure I HAVE to give in on that one.
