Hanna Banana, the Queen of all Drama Queens. We should have known. Everything about the pregnancy with her was drama filled. I had pre-eclampsia, gained a ton of water weight with her and developed diabetes during that pregnancy. Her birth was a planned c-section, but she was early and with my diabetes, her lungs weren't fully developed. Just days after bringing her home from the hospital, we were rushing back to Children's hospital and she would start breathing treatments and be put on steroids. 10 years later, she is still taking all that medicine, added on asthma and allergies. We tease that it is just because she likes drama.
Hanna looks exactly like my sister. Read that as NOTHING like me or Mr. Crafty. She is tall, skinny and blonde. OK, I'm tall, but clearly, not skinny or blonde. She has my personality all the way. She is so friendly, outgoing and loves to make people laugh. She is a cuddle bug though, that is certainly not me. She will out eat any member of our family and still be starving. She likes to sing, like her Daddy. She is an extremely emotional girl. I dread the hormones we'll have to deal with soon. I know it's coming, thanks to her older sister. I tried to believe it wouldn't...but I know it is. I can't say I'm prepared, I never know what tomorrow will bring with these kids. LOL!
She does very well in school, however, she doesn't like school. She never liked to play school like Hailee did and she certainly doesn't miss it over the summer like Hailee does. This year, it's the first time she has picked up books to read for fun! That doesn't come from me either, as much as I love to write, unless it's a book from the Twilight series or a craft magazine, I won't read! YUK! She makes friends easily, she isn't afraid to show her friends how much she cares for them and if they "cross" her, she will easily forgive them. She can kill you with the dirty looks, and melt your heart with her smile.
She is our peanut. Always has been, always will be.