
My little Joey Joe! He was our first surprise baby. We were doing fertility treatments with the girls and decided after the second, we were good as a family. Mostly because of the expense of it all. I never gave it any thought if I actually felt finished having babies. I just knew more fertility treatments wasn't an option. At the time I found out I was pregnant, my Mom, who lived with us, was gravely ill. The day we were told she reached her max on her insurance hospital say and had to come back home, was the day I found out I was pregnant with him. LOL! It was certainly a surprise when hearing for 6 years that you would never ever get pregnant on your own.

He was our biggest baby born, weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces. He was 18 inches long, just like his big sisters. He has the most amazing blue eyes, and I see my Grandma in his eyes every time I look at him. Just like our oldest, he was the perfect baby. Always happy, easy going, laid back. PERFECT! We thought we had it made with him.

Then he turned 2. WHAT? Is this the terrible two's everyone talks about? I didn't experience this with either of our girls. Who is this child? Then it hit me! He was the child my parents always wished on me. You know, the "payback child". I quickly realized that our lives were going to be turned upside down, and FAST! My Mom had passed away before she could enjoy the show. My Dad had passed away in 1996, before our oldest was even born. Oh, how they would have enjoyed watching the torture and torment we are living. I say that with love, of course. I wouldn't trade my rotten boy for anything in the world. I would just like to warn other expecting parents - some kids NEVER outgrow the terrible two's. Joey is 7, we're still in the terrible two's with him. LOL!

He is so smart, way too smart for his age. He is in the first grade, doing 3rd grade work. He likes to create trouble where ever he goes. Not by being bad, but by being mischievous. He tries to lie about goofy things and tries even harder get away with it, but you can see in his eyes and the shit eating grin he gets that he is lying. He'll never be able to pull it off. He keeps EVERYONE laughing at the stuff he says, and he always says it so innocently. He isn't into sports, that breaks my heart. I always wanted a son who would play football. No, no way, no how, he has zero interest. He can tell you how to put anything together, he has fixed my dishwasher, changed headlights in my van and takes apart everything with screws he can get his hands on. He is in cub scouts and LOVES it more than anything. Thomas the Tank and Star Wars have consumed our everyday vocabulary around here. Before his first birthday he was building big train tracks and before his second, he was talking to us about couplers and junctions.

To sum up Joey, I simply have to say, I love the snot out of that kid! And like any good mother, I will wish a little Joey on him! Some days that is all that gets me through. Haaahaa!!!