So, back to me. Haahaa! My #1 dream in life was to be a DJ (disc jockey). I did that when I was 16 until I was 19 or so, maybe longer, I can't remember. It was the best job I ever had, but I knew it wasn't something I could or would do forever since I started when I was so young, and I only worked weekends from midnight to 6:00 a.m. shifts. I certainly wasn't going to travel around and pack up and move as the markets changed (that's what I told myself because I KNEW someone big and famous would hear me and beg me to come work for them). It was a blast though. If I was offered a new job in radio, I'd be all over it. I also worked in promotions at the radio station. Now, that was just as cool as the DJ gig. I'm a huge people person, I'm not afraid to be the center of attention, and I'm just as comfortable sitting alone in a corner and I certainly haven't ever met a stranger. That was right up my alley.
My 2nd dream in life was to be a writer. OK, so that didn't pan out, now I get to give it a shot through a blog. Hey, why not, right?
Those were my only real dreams. I never dreamed of being a wife, especially at 20 and I certainly didn't see myself being a mom, not at 23, or ever. Shoot, I didn't even really babysit in high school. All of my friends did, but not me, mostly because I didn't like kids. I never considered myself crafty and the thought of doing anything crafty would have sent me out of a room screaming.
Funny how life changes...or how we change with life. I was a wife at 20, a Mom at 23 and giving my shot at writing at 36. Yeah, it's mostly just for me, or maybe a few people who stumble onto this blog, but it's writing, so I can cross it off of my dream list.