Monday, July 18, 2011

It shouldn't be allowed...

This little story isn't about the kids, it's about me and one of my many issues I have. I hate feet. I mean, I literally hate feet. They gross me out, far more than anyone can ever understand. I could seriously suffer a heart attack if someone touches me with their feet...and this is one of the reasons I will not share blankets with my husband. Yes, even in a deep sleep if a foot touches me, I'll freak out and possibly puke everywhere. When our oldest was born, the nurse brought her to me, and my mom quickly unwrapped her from her blankets to show me how perfect she was. In my drugged stupor from having a c-section, I almost tossed my perfect baby across the room as a foot almost touched my skin! Yes, my dislike of feet is *THAT* bad. Had it not been for my mom grabbing her, there is no telling what may have happened. LOL!

So, imagine my surprise as I am sitting on the couch, eating a salad and watching some TV. A commercial for News 5 comes on and the 2 news anchors are talking about an upcoming story. They say something like "Don't be grossed out, we'll test this product" and what do they show??? Someone shaving dead skin from their nasty feet using a ped-egg. That's it!!! Dinner is over. O-V-E-R! How can you even put these images on TV?

Have you seen the commercial? Check it out HERE. Tell me, is this something you want to see without warning of the vile dead skin shaving being shown? Blaaaaaaahhh, I think NOT.

Now I understand why people always say it's horrible to watch TV and eat at the same time.


  1. I love my PED-egg. Here that was going to be your christmas present, you done up and hurt my feelings, ROFLMBO!!!!

  2. Oh sweet Jesus! I'd have to cut ties to this friendship if a ped-egg shows up! That better not be what the little brown truck is delivering. LOL!!!!!

  3. they're out to get you....bwahahaha! :)
